Blogger outreach (also known as influencer marketing) is the process by which bloggers and companies join forces to create high-quality, kick-ass promotional material for each other. Usually, the company providing the giveaway usually offers free samples of its product as incentives in exchange for an endorsement or as a prize in a contest. This article will let you know what to do (and not to do) when joining forces with other bloggers.
Why Is Blogger Outreach So Important?
Before you get started with blogger outreach, make sure that you have done your homework. You may be new to blogging, but chances are you’ve come across other successful marketers who have used this tactic successfully. To gain insights on what the best bloggers are doing, you can go through their sponsored posts and find out how they made it work for them. It’s not rocket science; it just takes some time and effort on your part. Before you get started with blogger outreach, remember that you don’t have to limit yourself to offering only one brand or promoting just one product. You can extend this tactic to selling a variety of products, services, and even hobbies. This will allow you to tap into a much larger audience because the audience will be a mix of people with varying tastes. Your goal is to get as many readers as possible so that you can get more people to view your paid reviews and opt-in forms.
After you have figured out what niche you want to target, the next step is to look for bloggers who are targeting the same audience. If you can find five to ten top bloggers within your niche, you should contact them to request a meeting. Most bloggers are more than willing to help a fellow blogger out, especially if they believe that the blogger is one of their own. Remember, the goal of this blogger outreach is not to sell to them; it is to introduce a new blog topic or blog content to them in hopes that the two of you can work together to provide even greater value.
The best way to add value through blogger outreach is to provide the reader with insight into a product or service in an engaging manner. Most bloggers will welcome the chance to write about something they are interested in. However, do not let this become your main agenda. Make this a quality time for two, three, or even five bloggers to get to know each other and develop a lasting relationship.
Final Words
Through your relationship with the bloggers, you will be able to establish a trusting reputation. Remember, the goal of this process is to provide the right content at the right time. If you can do that, you are well on your way to establishing a long-term relationship and gaining the trust of these important bloggers. This will be the foundation of a successful content marketing campaign and can help you draw more readers to your blog. Once you and the right bloggers build up a good foundation of trust, there will be fewer hurdles to cross in terms of getting your content marketing campaign off the ground and earning big with blogger backlinks.