How to Implement an Effective Industrial Design Project
How can an effective Industrial Design project be implemented? A professional designer has clear ideas in this sense (or at least he should have them…). We therefore limit ourselves to analyzing the theme of the industrial design project in a more superficial way, above all to help the young designer to know its distinctive features and the way in which to relate to the company.
When we see an object of industrial production we are often faced with the result of a very complex process. If we like the object and it is somehow an expression of some innovation, we are automatically led to think that it is a design object. But Design is not just style and it is not just invention, in particular Industrial Design requires very thorough design processes to be truly an innovative, effective and far-sighted project.
Every single design project is a unique and unrepeatable path, it is difficult to standardize a generalized path. However, it is possible to trace some main steps which, despite the unpredictable fluidity of a design project, can nevertheless support a more effective design process.
Company Analysis
The first step is to analyze the company. Designers sometimes have good ideas regardless of the request of a specific company. In this case it can be remedied by making an analysis of the type of company that could be interested in our project. In any case, since the industrial production of the project is a peculiarity of industrial design, an analysis of the company is absolutely essential, regardless of whether the company is real or only potential. Creating an industrial design project without thinking about the company that will have to produce it, communicate it, distribute it, is almost useless.
In particular, the positioning of the brand with respect to the market and the competition will have to be analyzed, or to analyze the strengths and weaknesses of the company compared to competing companies and analyze how an object produced by this company is normally perceived by customers. Thanks to this information it will be possible to design an industrial design object consistent with the values of the company to consolidate the brand, or to imagine renewing the positioning of the company thanks to the project.
Analysis of Company Structures
Another important element is the analysis of company structures. Analyzing the company structures means first of all verifying the architecture with which the company’s product catalog is built, of which and how many items it is made up of, the production equipment available to the company. A second structural analysis is that relating to the sales network and existing sales channels.
These analyzes must obviously also be carried out on the most direct competitors. Furthermore, research on the product and sales structures of leading companies in other sectors that can be an inspiration for imagining new production or distribution directions does not hurt.
Market Analysis
The market is the place where an industrial design project is realized or stranded. An industrial design object is made mainly to satisfy the needs of consumers and to create profit for companies. The designer must therefore be able to relate the potential of the company with the needs (consolidated or latent) of the customer.
In order to grasp the needs of the market and, if possible, anticipate them, it is necessary to carry out in-depth research on the target audience. Mainly the research focuses on mega-trends and niches, that is, on the lifestyle and purchasing habits of mass and small groups. In this way it is possible to identify project ideas both from a technical / production point of view and from a commercial / marketing point of view.
Having in mind how the object will potentially be communicated and sold by the company and how it will be chosen, purchased, used, shared by the customer, is absolutely essential to give greater chances of success to an industrial product.