Global Marcom

Global Marcom

Company Branding and Marketing Strategies

From Business Experts

Effective and Successful Company

Brand Building

The Foundations of an Effective Branding Strategy Each branding strategy aims to increase brand awareness, in order to help consumers understand the Brand and identify with it. To achieve these objectives of familiarity and sales,...
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Marketing Strategy

Marketing Strategy Examples Find Out Which Ones Are Best for Your Business Within a guide with examples of marketing strategies you can find all the marketing strategies that are developed on online channels (, social...
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Branding Strategy

5 Steps to Support a Successful Branding Strategy Many organizations now understand the importance of an employer branding strategy to support talent acquisition, but creating an effective one is still something many companies struggle to...
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Marketing and Design

Marketing strategies using design are the key to highlight and differentiate your company in the market

When it comes to design and marketing strategies, many people think of advertising ads or company logos. In fact, these are just a few of the ways you can use design to boost your business performance.

Design goes far beyond that, it encompasses practically everything in your company, from business conception, product design, creation of packaging with appropriate marketing, development of communication materials, web design and even facades of units and stores.

Tips For Successful Branding

Target Audiences Identifying your target audience is one of the most important...
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